Kiribati uses Australian dollar. 基里巴斯使用澳元(货币代码AUD,A$)。
Six Australian major cities are among the top 30 because of a stronger Australian dollar, according to Mercer. 根据美世集团的调查,澳大利亚的6个主要城市都跻身前30名,因为澳元走强。
The SNB is believed to be partly responsible for moves in major currencies including the Australian dollar and the Swedish krona as it seeks to offload euros. 在瑞士央行寻求抛售欧元的过程中,从某种程度上而言,它被认为是影响澳元、瑞典克朗等主要币种汇率走势的幕后推手。
The Australian dollar has taken a tumble the past few months. 过去几个月,澳元大幅下跌。
Risk trades from commodities to the Australian dollar were jettisoned as investors reached for the safety of bonds and the yen. 投资者抛弃了从大宗商品到澳元的一系列风险交易,转而在安全的债券和日元中避险。
Economists pointed out that the strong Australian dollar was another reason for the falling export. 经济师指出,澳元坚挺也是出口下滑原因之一。
Another winner was the Australian dollar, which reached parity with its US counterpart. 另一个获胜者是澳元,已经达到与美元等值。
Increasing expectations the Federal Reserve will pump more money into the US economy next month under a policy known as quantitative easing sent the dollar to new lows against the Chinese renminbi, Swiss franc and Australian dollar. 目前各方日趋预期,美联储(Fed)将在下月按照所谓的定量宽松政策,向美国经济注入更多资金。这种预期昨日导致美元兑人民币、瑞士法郎和澳元创下新低。
First, close trade links make the Canadian dollar, Australian dollar and Swiss Franc substitutes for the US dollar, Chinese yuan and old deutschemark respectively. 首先,紧密的贸易联系使加拿大元、澳大利亚元和瑞士法郎分别成为美元、人民币和前德国马克的替代品。
It's because the Australian dollar was very strong. 那是因为澳元太强势了。
It is even more undervalued against the euro and commodity currencies such as the Australian dollar. 美元兑欧元和澳元等大宗商品货币的汇率被低估得更为厉害。
Traders say this is one reason why the euro has been the worst performing major currency this year, while currencies that benefit from an improvement in risk appetite including the Australian dollar and the Mexican peso are among the best performers. 交易员表示,欧元今年迄今是表现最差的主要货币,而澳元和墨西哥比索等受益于风险偏好上升的货币则位于表现最佳货币之列,利差交易就是原因之一。
In the international foreign exchange market, the euro, British pound, Australian dollar and so on are the indirect quotation. 在国际外汇市场上,欧元、英镑、澳元等均为间接标价法。
CITIC Pacific last month reported its first annual loss after bets against the Australian dollar cost the company$ 1.9bn in 2008. 中信泰富上个月公布了首次年度亏损的业绩,2008年该公司在澳元对赌合约上亏损19亿美元。
Weak oil prices and depreciating commodity currencies such as the Australian dollar have thrown some small and midsized producers a lifeline. 油价疲软、澳元等大宗商品出口国货币贬值,给了一些中小型生产商一线生机。
He said safe traders were "very negative" on Sterling because of expectations of renewed weakness of the UK currency, but safe was neutral on the euro and bullish on the Australian dollar. 他表示,外管局的交易员对英镑的看法“非常负面”,因为他们预计英镑将再度走软,但他们对欧元持中性态度,并看涨澳元。
His comments follow interventions in currency markets by Brazil, Chile and Peru last week and recent sharp rises in the Australian dollar, the Swiss franc and other currencies amid an exodus of investment from the sluggish economies of the US and Europe. 在曼特加发表上述言论之前,巴西、智利和秘鲁上周均对外汇市场进行了干预,而随着投资大举撤离发展迟缓的美国和欧洲经济体,澳元、瑞士法郎和其他货币最近急剧升值。
As a result, the Swiss Franc has made new all-time highs against the US dollar and the euro this year, the Australian dollar has hit three decade highs against the greenback and the Canadian dollar has almost reached record levels too. 正因如此,瑞士法郎今年兑美元和欧元汇率都创下历史新高,澳大利亚元兑美元汇率达到30年以来的高点,加拿大元也几乎达到创纪录水平。
The Australian Bureau of Statistics released the first quarter inflation data this morning, prompting a sell-off in the Australian dollar as the market reduced expectations of an interest rate rise this year. 今天澳洲统计局公布的第一季度通货膨胀数据,促使澳元的平仓及打压了市场今年升息的期待。
Both have suffered from a soaring Australian dollar that kept foreign visitors away and encouraged Australians to use their high spending power abroad. 这两个市场都受到澳元升值的影响,澳元升值使得国外游客不愿来澳大利亚旅游,并鼓励了澳大利亚人在国外使用他们的高购买力。
Over the past fortnight, the Australian dollar has recovered 9 per cent against the greenback. 过去两周内,澳元兑美元汇率已回升9%。
But exports have been hit by a strong Australian dollar and a glut of oranges thanks to robust growing conditions. 但由于澳元坚挺和橙子过剩(原因是种植条件有利),出口业务受到了打击。
The won is the only main Asian currency to have dropped in value against the dollar since 2008, in sharp contrast to the Japanese yen and Australian dollar which have both climbed more than 20 per cent. 韩元是2008年以来对美元出现贬值的唯一主要亚洲货币,与之形成鲜明对比的是,日元和澳元兑美元汇率都攀升了逾20%。
The Australian LNG industry has been dogged by high labour costs, the strong Australian dollar and infrastructure bottlenecks. 澳大利亚液化天然气产业目前正深受劳动力成本高企、澳元坚挺以及基础设施瓶颈等问题的困扰。
But after peaking in July, the Australian dollar has slumped about 30 per cent. 但是,澳元在7月见顶之后已下跌约30%。